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Hey guys,

So I wanted to discuss something with you.

A while back we had a vote for "more scenes VS monster girls" in which the monster girls came out with the majority.

That said, I've been thinking about actually going with more scenes for the girls. Allow me to explain:

I'm not super happy with how the character progressions are going at the moment. Specifically in relation to the new minor NPCs (innkeeper, noble, captain of the guard, nun etc). I can't help feeling like they are rushed, but I think that's in part to feeling like their isn't enough to do with the artwork available.

I want to go back and re-do their progressions, and add in a bit more of a build up per character. I have some ideas on things I'd like to add in. And to me it makes sense to create a solid foundation for the characters we have rather than adding in a bunch more characters who also won't have very developed or fleshed out progression.

However I want your guys thoughts on this and how you feel about it. I don't like the idea of un-doing a vote, but in this case it might be for the best. What do you think?

- Nergal


Julian Hartmann

Perfectly fine with you rewriting some scenes. Compared to the prologue, the scenes with the two available NPCs felt a bit rushed indeed. I have no problem with the story taking it a bit slower and fleshing 'em out more before the scene. And you technically don't undo the vote if you just redo the progression instead of adding more scenes, you still can get to the monster girls before ading new scenes on top of the redone progression. Heck, I mean, you could even introduce the concept of the monster girls during a new quest that is undertaken for the progression of one of the NPCs, route intercrossings are a sign of a connected constructed world after all, no need to keep everyone's progression sepperate.


I support your decision, the monster girls can always be worked on later, so no loss there! The very core of the game needs to take priority IMHO