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Hi all, I would like to first find out what you think and your opinions base on your experience/thoughts and as my Patrons here before I do anything.

I started this Patreon last year February 2016. I'm thinking of posting/sharing up some of the older pictures onto my gallery in FA/Twitter, But they will be limited to low-ress and underwear versions.

I will still retain the psd/steps/high ress/nsfw/videos versions exclusive on Patreon.
I'm wondering what do you feel about it, is it unfair since you have pledged a certain amount, and what might you expect. Is there anything I can consider doing better way? I've been looking at how other artists are managing and everyone has their own methods, some share their Patreon materials after a month, some totally don't. So I'm not very sure if me posting some old low ress pictures from here, will anyone feel mad/unfair about it?

Thanks for the time and thoughts! I appreciate your feedbacks if you have any before I post. I'll consider your opinions and what you think a good balance should be.



Matthew Dreher

That's cool with me. I've always felt that patreon specific content was a little awkward. Giving people a teaser, and specifically letting them know of the other versions is a great idea.


I think it's 100% fair. We get exclusive access for a long time, I think it's okay to share with other people. It may end up encouraging more people to join your Patreon knowing they would get more/higher quality art.


I see no problem with that, I think it's fair and doing that will probably draw more people to to your patreon


Seems positive so far :D I suppose that's a good plan. But hey, artists still have to survive and make a living ay? Indeed some will get mad over the paywall, but there will always be... "madmen". Ignore those who are upset because of a small paywall, for its akin to the likes of getting mad over someone who's trying to make a living, earning money to survive. ;)


I think it's fair to share after some time :) it'll bring more patrons here


I pledge so you can make art. If you want to share some of it I'm fine with that.

David Ihnen

I am fine with it it makes great promotion for your patreon so tag them with logo to come subscribe

Rei Loire

I'm fine with posting the underwear versions on those sites. After all thatway you are able to pull more patreons in.


i Pledge because I love your art and want to support you. You can post your art wherever you like!


Most of the patreons I subscribe to share everything (at least in low-res) after some time, and I think that's just fine.


I started to pledge you because I really adore your art and I'm addicted to bulges :3 Of course I was wondering why I don't got any content since I started pledging on the inactive time but never lost hope to see something from you. ^^


I am 100℅ against the idea of limiting where an artist gets to upload his or her work to. I like the thought of doing low res and underwear for them, but by all means make those public.


Hm, in my opinion this is something that can't be answered in one short sentence. However, I try to keep it short. :3 - Posting "everything" public against keeping all the work exclusively here: I think something in between would be a good choice. Reason: If I paid for something that I can have a bit later for free, I would not pay for it (my personal! opinion in this matter). Keeping everything here exclusively would be bad for you as artist, who should show your awesome work - and finally we want support you as well instead of just "buying art". So your idea of posting some older work in a lower resolution and just in one version (with underwear for example) would satisfy both sides: You show your artwork where you put time and effort in and the people who paid here have still something "special" (the high res files and the different versions of the drawing). Of course everyone may see it a bit different, so please - to all who are reading this - it is just my own humble opinion that I wanted to share. Additionally I tried to keep my explanation short and therefore did not describe everything in all detail. :3


While posting the art for free will be enough for some to stop pledging, I personally believe your art style has been improving over time, therefore you will still have my pledge regardless. As to trying to reduce the number of people that will stop pledging, perhaps you could creatively place a banner to cover certain parts of the image in addition to publicly posting lower quality images.


I am fine with posting low res images, and keeping certain versions exclusive to Patreon.


I am fine with post of your art. Share it with others. They should enjoy it as well. <3


I think you should post older pics to FA, or other accounts that you might have. I think that it is a good thing to keep hi-res pics to Patreon, and maybe set a time limit to exclusivity... or that the only ones that get posted 'free' are R rated, as opposed to the X

Collin Hausman

Patreon is not meant to be a paywall site; you ought to be creating things and sharing them just as you had been before Patreon. Patreon serves as a means for people who love your work to support you, and as a way for you to thank them with exclusive bonuses. For example if you were creating a comic, you'd still post a new page up online like you always had, but Patrons would have access to behind the scenes storyboarding, scripts, WIPs, character bios, sketches, and other neat bonuses.

Spottacus Cheetah

Yes, post older pics. It is good to have the art available for your own self-promotion, and for the fandom.