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Hi all,

I am preparing to send out the December package, expecting Christmas theme ^.^

My plan is to work from the current month and the last outstanding month, so I can catch up eventually without delaying the new patrons. This way I need to work twice as hard to create all the arts.

This was what I had in stall for the previous months patrons:

Septemeber: Pokemon theme
Oct: Zabivaka
Nov: Ricardo Welkin from ReZero Anime.
Dec: Christmas

I recieved many who has already deleted their patrons pledge. So I appreciate so far the many who are still here, despite my setback. allowing me to continue creating and exploring the illustrations, and improving my crafts. You do not know how much this means to me a great deal. So thank you for the patience.

I recieved some advice to work on communication more, so I will update more often from now on.


