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Hi all, I've been thinking through this a lot and wish to share with you and maybe gather some of your feedbacks.

I am planning to reduce the price for each Tier, offering the rewards for at a much more affordable price, and making the adult contents more accessible and less exclusive for everyone.
The reduced price plans are:

  • Tier 1 - $5, SFW Highress
  • Tier 2 - $10, SFW, Adult NSFW High ress and alternate versions.
  • Tier 3 - $15, PSD, layers, Step by step process documentations.
  • Tier 4 - $20, Painting Process Videos

I believe people wish to get the adult versions, and I wish to share more arts with all, instead of making it $20 exclusive, I will reduce it to half price by $10.

For the tutorials and videos, those will come with higher Tiers as an option if anyone are more keen. I feel that this won't force people to pledge the $20 just to recieve the adult version, I think it is a little pricey.

I will also put change into action starting August next month. I'll make an announcement so you can adjust your Tier pledge or remain the same for August onwards. I'll be adding in bonus sketch raffles of your character eventually into the Tiers as a reward and thank you for the pledges.

What do you think of this decision? Any feedback please feel free to let me know.




This will definitely get more people to pledge, hopefully. I'll keep supporting you no matter what, you're my favourite artist!


Great plan, looking forward to it haha! ^.=.^


Yes please!


I guess the question is can you afford to take the financial hit and still produce? I know that the reason I pledge 20 is to get the NSFW versions, and, yeah, it is not always easy to spend the money as you are not the only one I support! But, if you reduce your pledge requirement, how much will YOUR income drop?


Hi sunkawakan, I think that the pledge amount will definately drop by half... but I'm also thinking about pledgers such as yourself who supported many, and I feel like I would like to make it easier and less taxing for people who wishes to get the arts,contents,participate. I guess I'll be willing to make a risk. But I hope it will be better for you too! Thank you so far for understanding ^.^ It's nice o know what you guys think


Thanks for your fast reply! II guess I just worry about the artist not being able to make ends meet. There are many good artists out there, and we have to choose which to sponsor. I think that my hope is that the artist will be able to make this worth his while, to be able to have a living that includes art.3.


I would be cool with it if you end up doing it.


I myself went for the 20 pledge for the PSD files and videos. I like seeing the process on how it's done just as much as I enjoy the finished product. ^_^ I think it's a good idea to make the NSFW more affordable. Hopefully more people will come and support you to make up the difference in the price reduction!

David Ihnen

I'm all for doing this pricing experiment, and changing back later if it doesn't shape up after a few months. It'd also be a great excuse to blast your various social network directions with 'new feature lower price nsfw content!' to get more possible subscribers too


i'm pledging 20 per month... but i'm with other artist too, so a reduction would be really nice, i mean just a liitele bit


Yea I'm also thinking about pledgers, I don't want to make it more financially taxing to get arts and support. I feel I wan to make the price alot cheaper. Thank you so much so far~

Shakal Draconis

I upped my pledge for next month from $1 to $20, but with the number of artists and authors I'm patreoning I can't afford to keep as a normal rate. Changing the NSFW rate down to $10 would be sustainable for me though.