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As promised, I've put together the bonus painting video process of the artworks for those who pledge Tier 3 for any of the months. I spent hours in my free time reading up tutorials and learning how to use Adobe Premiere. (I'm a noob at video editing, never have done it before) So I had to spend a lot of time trying to figure it out. Finally I can say I grasp the basics to put together my recordings to an acceptable presentation.

What you will receive (For those who pledge Tier 3 in past month)

  • March Tier 3 Plegers: Video link to be sent out next in PM. Making of Zootopia Tiger.
  • April Tier 3 Pledgers: Video link to be sent out next in PM. 2 hours long video of making of "Royal Guard" 1.8Gb size. HD1920.
  • May Tier 3 Pledgers:Video link to be sent out next

I apologize for the delay, I'm behind schedule to send out May's 'Game Character Theme' content. That will be done soon. (Those who have pm me, I have yet to send out the package)

Also for those who may have missed out the previous month content and wished to get them, you may pm me to arrange.

I hope that now I have manage the video editing, I can get back on track with schedule to deliver the arts. And this time with even better quality. I would like to keep pushing my skills more. What the patreon support helps in every way and I wish to produce more to share with everyone.

Thank you for the patience, I'll be getting back to your questions if you have any, feel free to pm me.





Oh! can't wait :D


I'm excited!


Damn, received the mail and my working day is only starting D: the day is gonna be long