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Hi everyone~ ^.^

I have sent out the April Package contents~ through PM, you will receive the link for the downloads. April month was more soldier medieval theme as I was watching a lot of Game of Thrones. >.<

For the Full Tier 3 you will received:




For the videos, I would request a bit more time to deliver to you... as I'm still new to doing the video edits. I have recorded the entire many hours of painting process and need more time to edit and compress them. I will send them out asap as another link. Hope for your patience... >.<

If you have any issues with the downloads, please let me know!

I hope you enjoy them, and I'm always happy to hear any comments.

Thank you~





Amazing work, love the step by step pictures, gives me a small idea how you make it, although I still need to see, how you make something from that scribble, so accurate x3


Such amazing artwork!The wait is always well worth it, you never disappoint! BTW congrats on making $1,000!!!


Can't wait to see the update when I get home. But congrats on a new milestone!


Awesome! And Glad to see that you made another milestone!

Asher Tail

aw man I signed up too late D:


No problem at all! I've received the Package without a problem so far. :) they're really good! i'm actually enjoying the content here. Looking forward to the videos soon! ^^; take your time on those


Hi! Just asking how's the progress on the videos