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Hi all, I'm really sorry for the late of update for quite some time.

I moved out of my parent's house last month September and for the first time in my life I'm staying on my own. It's only been less than a month, after settling all the logistic and setting up my work corner, I am working out my new routine.

Personally this period, I faced some block. I'm not sure what exactly and given myself some time to get back on track. I hope for your understanding... I understand that some of your might be disappointed by my slow progress lately.

For the most part I was facing some stress, financially and also the daunting tasks of logistics. I think this affected my focus so i haven't been able to really sit down and paint for some time until now. I feel terribly bad for not being able to constantly churn out work for September and replying some messages here.

I have a lists of the paintings I had planned to do and Halloween theme package for October. So I manage to start with a warmup painting today to get my grove again. I will make sure to continue with what I have to deliver. Please be patient.



Ohad Kanne

So happy to hear from you again! I was getting worried about you, being so quiet these last couple of weeks, but here you are! ❤️ Despite what seems to be a rocky star, I'm glad to see that things are working out for you no matter the pace. Take your time, dear friend! Thank you for the update ^^ And that one cute and sexy Fox 😍


Ya know, stress and being unsure of your situation is a killer for creativity. You have been under a lot of both. Please just get yourself settled so that you can be OK. Nice fox, BTW...


Love the Fox! He's so happy ^_^ And please don't feel bad, especially with such a huge change to your day to day life. Take the time to settle in and I'm sure you'll get your groove back. I'll be waiting :3


Please take your time, your health is important!