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Been needing to write properly to you all and wanting to express how I am doing lately. Firstly I am very grateful for those who have been supporting me throughout here on Patreon. without the support here I don't think I'll be able to afford as much time as I have now to do art weekly.

Lately I think I've been experiencing some burnout and tired after working hours. I'm been trying to tackle work and balance out my sleep. I believe I will catch up because I hate doing things halfway. So i will complete and sent out those rewards as promised, and past rewards. I just need some more time.

I will post up more regular updates and art and send out packs as I get them finished. Thank you for your patience. I'm sorry i havnt been able to reply to everyone regarding the old packs, so i will get back asap.



I've been content with the actual amount of art we've been getting, and so my suggestion is to slow down the amount you promise to the amount you can stably do. (How many packs have you finished over the last three years? That's probably the right average to expect in the future, too. And if you end up having more time, it's real easy to do more art!) Sleep more, and take care of yourself!

Ohad Kanne

We love you, Cheetah! ❤️