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I am very tempted to portray shu chi in his mischievous way. But i prefer him more cheerful.

Just sharing what im working on right now :3




Cheerful, kinda suits him better :3


Cheerful is cute!


How about cheerfully mischievous 😉

Raichu Sama

Mischievous looks pretty sexy ngl, but both look fantastic ~


It's hard to choose. The cheerful personality is a large part of his charm. Perhaps you could move this back to March and have of theme of internal conflict: Evil Leopard Cat vs remorseful Shu-Chi.


I like his cheerfulness too, i think it's what drawn us to him so much. and IKR this month pack has many extra bonus >.< i think it pack it too much. and still so many ideas I wanna do~~~ thanks for the suggestion too ^.^


I think it's possible to be cheerful and mischievous. He really is both. Mischievous doesn't mean "bad," after all. Not after how the story plays out. He would probably be a very cute, happy mischievous kitty. It may be possible to capture that sort of feeling, one that includes both.