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Hi all, I have just sent out the Nekojishi Package rewards!

This round on time ^.^ ( As I just uploaded, give it a while to sync. )

Let me know how you find the package! and any ways to improve or you like to see more off?

Thank you~~~ so much for the support! As mentioned earlier, this month I will be pausing the Patreon, so you won't be charged on the 1st FEB, even if you leave your pledge on.

I am going for a short break and will be back in mid Jan and resume work and catch up on all the overdue packages and videos editing.




Awesome work! ^ ^ Would've liked to see more flaccid underwear shots cuz I love those nice bulges, but it was fantastic otherwise!


Point taken! and I agree also, I should make more undies bulges version, next pack i will do it more.


Hey, this looks really great and i would love to get a hold of this package since i just loved Nekojishi and especially Liku boi. But i recently subscribed and i dont think im eligible for this package but im wondering if there is a way? like through a donation or something?


Hey slyfox! Yea there are quite a few people who missed the pledge by a few days and wanted it. So i did it through paypal and send over. I can do it like that for you as well, if you are okie. Ill pm you the details




Hey Cheetahpaws! I like Nekojishi very much, but I just missed the pledge, could you tell me other ways to buy this art work please?


As like many people before me, I too would very much like this package. could you please help me get it. thnx


Hello! Joined in as soon as I saw the FA Post about the Nekojishi. Is it still possible to get the Nekojishi Pack?


Hi! I joined after I saw your post on FA! Would it be possible for me to also arrange something via paypal to get access to the Nekojishi pack?


Hey there. I’m interested in getting this pack. Is there a way for me to get this?


Hey, is it still possible to buy this pack? I am very interested in it, because I have played the game recently. Love your art btw.


Hi, would it be possibly to buy this and all previous packs?


I would also be interested in this package, if it's not too late to get it now, that is