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Hi all,

I have 'paused' Patreon for this month, so you won't be charged on the 1st July for the content of June. I'll continue to pause the charge for 1-2 months, or however long it may take for me to catch up.
This means that you don't have to worry about being charged without receiving anything next. And you can still leave your pledge. I think this works for the best for now.

This allows me to get back all the outstanding patreon packages that I have not delivered and still working on them. So I won't feel like I'm cheating people's money for not delivery new contents.

Thank you for your understanding. I'm taking in less free-lance work right now sadly (as it affects my income) but I have to re-balance my health and with better schedule for work first.



Good luck! I'll keep pledging ^^ waiting for your art book too :D


Take care of yourself CP! I'll keep pledging 'cause you're awesome :3