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Hey Everyone! It's not Friday, but I felt I couldn't wait any longer before updating all of you!

Yes, I am alive. Thank you for all the concerned messages and well wishes. I've been snowed under with family and work!

We've had my brother visit from Germany, A good friend visited us from China, it was our wedding anniversary, and my birthday on top of a few super busy weeks with work! I also took some leave, and drove nearly 1300KM (That's almost 800 miles) or roughly 15 hours in one day over the weekend to the coast. (The little one took it much better than I was expecting, thanks to the frequent breaks!)

My plan is to use this time to write as much as possible for the work-in-progress episode of Infinite Stars, and I'm currently writing this devlog from the veranda of the home we're staying in with a view of the golf course in front of me, and the ocean behind me. (Expect plenty of pictures on the Patreon Devlife channel on Discord!!)

I haven't been entirely unproductive in my silence, though!

The bones of the next content drop is very much in place. I'm also busy onboarding a new writer to the team, meaning Crowbie and I will have an extra pair of hands to get things done!

We have the new pinup for April, and this time, it's Mayvheen, with a cute SFW and NSFW image (WARNING: The NSFW work is probably the most revealing pinup we've ever done!)

We're also teasing the new soundtrack. Can you guess whose theme it is?

As always, thanks for your love and support! I know I say this a lot, but that's because it's absolutely true: I couldn't do all of this without all of you! <3

Stay safe, be blessed and have a super productive week!


Irene Ordaz

I was also worried about you but I'm glad you got the much needed break! Take your time and I can't wait to see more.