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As promised, Santa has something in her sack for you all. It’s a little late, but it ended up being longer than we planned on. Oops.

This one is a gift for everyone, and the script was written by me. TK told me what elements they wanted in it (*cough* CV *ahem* excuse me), and I wrote out the details. This is my first time writing a script like this, so be gentle with the criticism, but feedback is welcome. I am still learning all your different appetites. ~.^

Starting soon we might be doing some throwback posts while TK is learning Blender and working on the big Five Nights project. If you remember any of your old favorites, let us know about them and maybe we’ll reshare them with some of our fresh bread.

Hope you all are having a satisfying year so far.

-Mischievous Assets





Really really great piece overall! The animation and story were great, and I loved the little bit with Ada at the end! Amazing as always! 😊


Absolutely brilliant. Love the “regifting” of prey, great work