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Alright messing with models with this one and a fun idea I got from an image. Took longer than I wanted again, but here it is. Some small things I would change but aint no one got time for that. I was trying for some dialogue via text blocks, but some of it got replaced with actually voice lines (didnt bother lip syncing). So its a little mix of both. I was trying to keep each event around 1min then I remembered I keep "ending it" too soon so I added more. Still got some IRL things to deal with, but it shouldn't get in the way too much. Save the elevator for the Maze later maybe?

Anyways enjoy.




You honestly could have called this video Elevator action. I'll admit the time that you're putting into these keeps getting better. I do wonder where you get your sound clips from sometimes.


This is incredible. One of your best yet?


I’m not even an AV guy usually but this concept and execution were flawless. Keep up the great work