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I think im finally getting used to sitting down and getting shi done without getting exhausted. I think this might will bleed over to next month, but im a lot more confident in working on this stuff on my time off(when people arnt interrupting me >_>) This is a really good pace i think. I'm getting a system down so im not overly animating stuff thats not gonna be shown.  Although I keep falling back into bad habits. Something always comes up and I tend to lose momentum really quickly if anything in RL stops me. Ive been forcing myself with  just animate this part and take a break(kinda like "just 5min" thing), but i dont stop so its awesome. Excuses consume me :/
To be honest with all the new people I feel you guys expect a lot from me and I hope my quality of work isnt dropping (or not improving).  I really like this idea and wanted to play with it more, but im running low on time if I want to make it to Halloween.
Another possibly is to hold on to this for later and work on the other ones and try to finish them quickly.

I'm on to the final two shots for this one. This will be the hard part since itll be double BV. I wanted everything to be longer :l 

This will be the last wip for this cus i dont want to spoil the last part till its done.
I like posting Wips though since it shows im actaully doing something instead of "Surprise!"
After Halloween i'll try to go back to the Deadline system .

So much i want to do D:





I know you are trying hype up this but don't you think you are showing to much? I know people dont have to watch the teasers but the temptation is to strong lol.

Fetish Weirdo

Hey hey work at your own pace please people need to chill out and be patient :)


If it takes longer than Halloween to finish then that’s fine. It’s not like you don’t have a bunch of other great animations I can use. If you wanna make it longer for us but we have to wait more then I say let’s wait


The quality never ceases to amaze, it's certainly not dropping in my perspective. Your animations have been gradually bringing out the latent potential I always knew could be found in vore. I'm glad you found a pace that works for you, so long as you feel it's healthy and productive, that's great. With the quality you put into the work, I know it's worth the wait. So if you have to deliver after Halloween, that's totally fine. If it's important to you to deliver on or before Halloween, I certainly understand wanting to meet your goals. Whatever you're comfortable with