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Hey! We will begin filming Saturday and then starting Monday 27th all week for longer hours. Due to some problems we cannot start filming until Saturday the 25th. You will receive extra weekly content due to missed film days. Please dm us or Tat on discord with any questions. We will also be reaching out to a few of you soon. Thanks so much! Enjoy your holiday if you celebrate 🎉 🦃 we are ok. Do not worry. Please send positive thoughts our way as we will do the same for you. In the comments tell us something positive that happened to you! Or maybe something you are looking forward to!



I can do both. I looking forward to seeing you both back on y'all own time with good smiles in your faces! You both always give good energy with posts and videos! So I want to share some with you both. You both are amazing and bright ladies who always makes us all smile and happy in all your endeavors! I always feel better after each of y'all posts! And even though you both struggle at times you never give up that positive outlook in life that we all need at times! In the meantime you both stay safe, and vibrant and keep that cool spirit we all love about you both! Can wait for your videos soon sisters, and don't forget to have a good laugh or 10! -Tekzeiro With peace!


I hope you both had a good thanksgiving with the loved ones. I'm looking forward to Galaxy Con Columbus