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RWBY Volume 4 Chapter 8:

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They COULDN'T end the series on Volume 9. It's only supposed to be eight chapters long in the first place.


As to the Volumes… Volume 4 I'd ALMOST put on par with 7. It was technically awkward and scuffed, and VERY slow paced, but also unique, and it's slow meandering pace felt appropriate given what had happened to Remnant and what had happened to the series with the loss of Monty. It all rhymed very well. Volume 5 is objectively the worst. Not without the potential to be good, but apart from how it made cool, interesting characters into shallow, awkward, brainless husks… it ruined too many things the show couldn't take back. There were so many opportunities for greatness that should have been a slam dunk. Volume 5 was the big followup to all of Volume 3's setup, and it failed to deliver on ANY of it. Haddock's garbage with Gen:Lock almost certainly set Volume 5 up for failure, and Volume 5 basically CREATED the echoing backlash and poor reputation RWBY has received to this day. Volume 6 is something Kat and I can agree on. While not PERFECT, Volume 6 managed to rescue the series from the jaws of total flameout, adding stakes, character and choreography back to the series. Amazing reveals, awesome character insights, blazing action and emotional highs. Volume 7 sits below Volume 6 for me just because of how much I love 6, but 7 is probably better on a TECHNICAL level. The pacing, writing and animation finally all feel in lock step with each other, with chapters hitting consistent run times. Events are foreshadowed with competence, and themes RIPPLE throughout the subtle buildup as tensions tighten like a wire. Volume 8 is on par with 7 for technical ability, but the writing definitely suffered… as did characters overall. The pacing was unbelievable, in that where we found ourselves five chapters in was where I expected us to be by the finale. It was an explosive season, full of spectacle and novelty, and I'd love it in spite of its flaws like Volume 4… …But being serious? Volume 8 traumatized me in a way I don't think I'll ever recover from. Barring the unlikely event that Volume 8 undoes a MAJOR character mistake made in the last chapter… I will NEVER be the same, and I will never truly know peace. I have languished in actual misery for two whole years, haunted, wrestling with thoughts of committing suicide rather than enduring a pain I despise… yet feel is NECESSARY for me to feel for the sake of love. If anyone reading still isn't sure what I mean… let's just say that I prefer the thematic direction "Sonic Frontiers" made with its after-credits scene compared to how RWBY just decided to say "oh well, life sucks…" …No… I'm not okay.