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Dragon Ball Z Episode 96:

Dragon Ball Z Episode 97:

Dragon Ball Z Episode 98:

Dragon Ball Z Episode 99:




And so begins the longest 5 minutes in anime history.


You want numbers? Alright. When becoming a Super Saiyan, Goku's power multiplies by a factor of 50. Yes, fifty times his base power, far eclipsing the tenfold increase wrought from the Giant Ape form. At present, Goku's power level is stated to be 150,000,000. Yes, 150 million. Quit a leap from arriving on Namek at 180 thousand, for perspective. Also, I want to draw attention to Goku's infamous "I Am" speech. A point of great contention among fans, the dub of DBZ was actually very loose with the translation here. I won't spoil the actual wording, but in Japanese (and the English dub of Kai) it's very different. Goku rather espouses that he's crossed the stars entirely for the sake of challenging Frieza's power. He is a being of purity and fury. The original dub you've seen changed all of this to pretend that Goku is literally Superman, the light of hope, the bringer of peace, all that. It was changed because the translators were worried American audiences would consider Goku's attitude and motives callous or selfish... but after the journey you've taken, you know that this is just Goku being Goku. Goku isn't a Superhero. He doesn't patrol the skies looking to right wrongs and subjugate evil, he is mostly a hero by happenstance. A threat to the world is a threat to his friends, and Goku's sole motivation beyond trying his own strength against the greatest challenges is to fight for his friends. Not to say he won't right wrongs where he finds them, but Goku just doesn't go out of his way to fight evil. He wants to be the strongest, to fight the strongest, and anyone who messes with his friends has to answer to him. The only reason he's here, facing down Lord Frieza, Sovereign of the Stars, is to backup his friends and help them return to life. His heroism is incidental.

Jack Marshal

it would be messed up but make sense, freeza, the ultimate "history of ancient races and civilizations" professor


Things are starting to heat up. Both figuratively and literally. Ah yes. Goku's Speech is one of the most iconic scenes in the series. It's also one of the most infamous when it comes to the dub. Virgil Polvani described the whole thing way better than I could, so my only addition to all this is that the actual speech is more personal to both Goku and Frieza. I implore you two to watch that scene again in Japanese and tell us what you thought of it (AND LISTEN TO THE JAPANESE SONG IN THE OPENING WHILE YOU'RE AT IT LOL). Kat mentioned that Ep 100 is filler. While that is technically true (the following episode acts like most of it never happened), about 1/4 of this episode does have manga moments that you REALLY don't wanna skip. I'll let you know what the filler moments are next week (provided I don't forget)


Back to the power levels, for a little more comparison, the average human in dbz has a power of about 5-10


The famous 5 minutes of DBZ. I think there is a youtube video from beginning to end that is 5 minutes long to show how fast they would have to be for it to make sense lol. About the movies, it will be the first time I watched them too so that's cool. I know you can't watch them all yet tho. And about the speech, as others mentioned, this dub changed it. It is different in the original Japenese and other languages follow the original Japenese. Kai also follows the Japanese. The journey is wild!


"You didn't say please" Sigh..