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Naruto Episode 122:

Naruto Episode 123:

Naruto Episode 124:

Naruto Episode 125:

Naruto Episode 126:

Naruto Episode 127:

Naruto Episode 128:

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122: Naruto plays Jazz Trumpet/Trombone, he's self-taught, and no one told him that some songs have written notes he's supposed to follow. Lee plays drums, but like Neil Pert/John Bohnam/Buddy Rich drums, where once he's rolling all you can do is watch in awe. Shikamaru...is a band manager...his instrument is the smart-ass comment. And yes, he is the absolute KING of Uno reverse. His whole deck is reverse cards and draw 4's. 123: Kiba treating Akamaru is clearly just him being a solid friend, but it also has historical accuracy. It was common practice in many places in the world for soldiers to ensure their horses/beasts of burden/war animals were cared for and treated before themselves. An uncomfortable or mildly injured soldier is much more useful to everyone than an uncomfortable or injured animal. Naruto's tone slowly creeping from excited relief through pleading eventually to anger is so sad, especially since Sasuke isn't even listening. Lee...Lee is your best friend. Sober he's the best your best friend can be. Drunk Lee is your best friend at their worst. You still love him, but he went from 1 to 100 in no-time-flat and he has no reasoning skills. At this point it's all downhill and you won't get off the ride.


124+125: Yeah the Sand basically got tricked into attacking the Leaf, who was their ally, by Orochimaru and the Sound who promptly murdered their Kage, got a bunch of their shinobi killed, and then ran away to hide. I'm pretty sure the Sand's unconditional surrender to the Leaf is mentioned immediately after the 3rd Hokage's funeral. But also, the Kazekage was Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara's father so there could be more to that as well. Drunken fist users grow in strength as they grow more drunk. Lee was extremely drunk, so he was extremely strong. Sober Lee really wasn't doing much better than Naruto, and it looks like it's mostly his style/speed that makes the difference. Ukon, Sakon, and Tayuya are most definitely dead. Kankuro, at 14, murdered two of them essentially for trash talking. Temari, at 15, murdered another girl for looking at Shikamaru and/or because she was in the way of Temari flirting with Shikamaru. Teens these days SMH.


126+127: Gaara's sparkly "glow-up" sand is supposed to indicate the hardened minerals he had infused into his sand(metal I guess?) but you do get a bit of a male-stripper burrito costume. Orochimaru seems to be utterly apathetic to anything outside of his ambitions unless he can manipulate it. Kabuto is intentionally cruel to make himself feel powerful. Kimimaro, seen through Gaara and Lee's conversation about him, is an excellent representation of basic human nature. There is a point somewhere, for everyone, where actual true loneliness and solitude become so unbearable that any kind of acknowledgement or contact from any other person is worth absolute devotion, even if they're the worst person you've ever met.


128: The whole thing is complicated so I'll save that for the arc's end. Basically Sasuke is looking at it objectively with the end goal being to kill his brother. Whatever accomplishes that most completely is necessary, everything else before and after that is irrelevant. Naruto, obviously, is looking at it like Sasuke is his friend/teammate/comrade/a human with a life and future. So opposite ideologies from two 13 year old boys who are both determined, stubborn, emotionally unstable, prone to physical confrontation, and have terrible communication skills. I'm sure it'll be fine.


To answer the brief question about the music, it does completely change in Shippuden, they got a new composer. Not sure what the reasoning was but the original Naruto composer Toshio Masuda was replaced by Yasuharu Takanashi, who did all of Shippuden and is still composing for Boruto. It's a bit of a different flavor and it evolves in its sound throughout Shippuden, but it's typically more "cinematic" and "epic" and strives to convey a bit more subtle emotions, as well as being a bit less electronic-sounding than OG Naruto music. Not saying one composer did a better job than the other, they both did unique legendary work and I listen to them both often. Yasuharu Takanashi actually apparently had a helping hand in OG Naruto's music, but I can't find any solid sources specifying what he did exactly. He also did the music for Fairy Tail Also yeah Kimimaro was only 15 lol


I Love Love Love Shikamaru and Temari's interaction in these episodes, not only the banter, but also Shikamaru's callback to the beginning of the arc when he asked his dad why he would marry such a scary woman. This is also the start of good good bean Gaara and his quest to make friends. The last filler arc (episodes 216-220) are all about Gaara and him teaching children. Very wholesome content right there.


Truer words have never been spoken naruto comes off as the emotional support of the team though his ability to put his foot in his mouth often gets in the way. Sasuke feels that if he doesn’t kill his brother the more people he will kill he is doing this for the safety of the ninja world and his own frame of mind.


Kat is kimmimaru confirmed that neck click though


Sakura has been eating Ben and Jerry’s for the last 4 days she’s fffffiiiiiiinnnnnneee everything is fiiinnnnneee


Around 10 Episodes left i think (without the Fillers ofcourse) maybe a little more... Also The first Minutes (before the intro song, of Shippuuden is a huge spoiler for a little further in the show.. so watch out for that Kat & Tat.. just let you know about it..


Should have a fun time during the very first few mins of this episode. Enjoy the new speculation. Oh, and the fight. Enjoy that too.


The majority of people who have watched the show experienced it the way it was presented, so I don't think it's worth skipping. They made it like that in the anime for a reason, I don't want to get too much into why because...well spoilers... but it really is just better to watch it, no hate to you but I do think suggesting people skip the start of Shippuden is a bit overdramatic