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The Dragon Prince Book 3 Chapter 1:

The Dragon Prince Book 3 Chapter 2:

The Dragon Prince Book 3 Chapter 3:

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Kyle Kowalchuk

Runaan looks to be in a "Half Dead state" while in the coin. Ethari was previously seen in the book one credits making the necklaces and crying over the sinking flower. Keep in mind that Runaan also need to break his matching necklace to stop from being discovered in episode one.

Kyle Kowalchuk

Claudia story will be very interesting. Currently she not able to think for herself, she has become very dependent on Viren to tell her the difference between right and wrong. What will happen when Viren's lie become apparent.


ok time to join in. Just wanted to point out in case you missed it, Aaravos (The elf in the mirror), is the owner of the magic cube in Callums possesion. Also known as 'The key of Aaravos'.


Another thing i noticed watching the second time around. The pages Viren (Ugh even writing his name angers me), tried to read about Aaravos during book 2, are not just random Lorem Ipsum gibberish. It is actual lore written in Danish(Using a REALLY ugly font.).