New comic (redraw) about my mom (Patreon)
This is a redraw of an old comic from a year ago. I’ll post the old one in the next post 👌
Uhm... trigger warning for mental and emotional abuse (?)
I’ll try to tell the truth behind this comic’s origin briefly.. When I first decided I wanted to follow my polyam life style I was already in a pretty toxic relationship with this guy... I have made a lot of mistakes in my life and being with him was one of them... I don’t wanna get in details but when I told him that I wanted to try the polyam life he told me he wouldn’t be alright with it so after 5 months of ups and downs, and trying and talking, that felt like hell I ended things with him. Then he thought it would be a nice thing to do to go to my mom’s home just to tell her how sick, selfish and wrong I was. He also told her how bad and evil was my new partner Mei, and how she should totally not support me or my new relationship. I straight out thought my mom would listen to him, cause in my pretty harmed mind, that was under his abuse for 6 years, it was clear he had more credibility to my mom than her own daughter. And I was really happy and relieved when I recieved this call.
of course my mom was the only one who believed me... and that’s how I lost all my other friends! And all my clothes, and my shoes, also my ponies and my computer and... you know everything lol, but that’s a story for another comic!
Sorry for the long vent (?)