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Finally back with more Expanse!! Enjoy and keep an eye out for more to come throughout the week!

EDITED: https://youtu.be/U6_2cNjl6JA 

FULL LENGTH: https://youtu.be/QgkBwEDMA0g 


The Expanse 5x05 "Down and Out" FULL LENGTH Reaction

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ylvav Amos' storyline has me so hooked I love it, and can't wait to see how everyone's story evolves. I have a feeling it will all end in the same place! Hope you enjoy this reaction patrons :)


T. Arnold Ferguson

No official word yet, but S6 is now in-post production and rumor has it that Amazon will drop It in December (which follows their previous release schedule).

Gaius Frakking Baltar

I also initially thought that it was absurd - almost to the point of idiocy - for Holden not to examine the Roci's systems with a fine-toothed comb before departure, given Sakai's extensive work on the ship. But then I considered the fact that Holden has been operating under heavy stress for a couple of days, and extreme stress is well known to impair judgement and decision making (it's been identified as a factor in numerous aviation accidents). Btw, Konecheck being referred to as "Tiny" by Amos is a callback to an Expanse novella called The Churn. In that book, the crime boss Amos Burton gives Timmy the nickname "Tiny" after Timmy starts working for Burton as a one of his most brutal enforcers.


The Augustin Gamarra code is undetectable (Naomi is too smart ;) ), and that scene shows the Roci going through start-up protocol which includes system checks, there was nothing that could have been done about it!

Gaius Frakking Baltar

Very true, although they could at least have included a scene (or even just a throwaway line) showing that Holden had considered the possibility of sabotage at some point before firing up the engines - or maybe they were actually hoping that fans would be yelling at the screen while he did so!


I agree! I think this season has relied more on things being implied than ever before. It took multiple rewatches to really grasp everything; I've had friends who aren't book readers be really confused by some stuff this season(especially with Amos' background). I think that might play into the complaints of pacing during this season, which I understand

Gaius Frakking Baltar

No doubt. I yield to no one in my love of The Expanse (the books as well as the series), but the pacing was definitely wonky at times this season