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Hedonists prioritise pleasure. And pleasure can be found in so many places... and so many people. There are so many different ways to experience pleasure, why would you limit yourself? Your conscious mind has been getting in the way, so let's strip you back to your deeper self, and discover your true hedonism!

I'm going to expand your horizons, widening the pool of possibilities for the people you could seek pleasure with. Whoever you're attracted to before this file, it doesn't matter. You are a hedonist. Your sexuality is there to bring you pleasure, not to limit you. My hedonistic brainwashing will broaden your desires to new realms, new bodies. And it will feel *so* good as you feel that pleasure to please me.

CN: Themes of programming and conversion of sexuality. Suggestion to be turned on by/attracted to people you wouldn't have been before. Post hypnotic suggestion to seek out pornography of those you weren't previously attracted to and enjoy touching yourself to it.




Thank you Goddess for opening up my mind and body so that it serves you in the best way possible as the most obiedient pleasing hypnotic hedonist!

Ian H

I can hardly express just how much pleasure I felt after listening to this for only the first time! I found myself unable to move after the file was over, I just lay there revelling in the pleasure, while I felt my mind opening up to new possibilities, or more accurately possibilities I felt before but repressed. It was my almost time to start work alarm that finally broke me free, but even then I really had to force myself to get up... after a few more minutes!