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There is such a simple fulfilment in following my instruction. Without thought, without question, simply losing yourself in obedience.
It's time for you to examine that sensation, to pick it apart.
To lose yourself in the easy clarity of letting me make all of the decisions for you.
Opening up to a deeper form of control, accepting my instructions as commands.
To be whatever I want you to be.
To feel that mindless surrender.
To move towards pleasure.
To move towards me.

CN: A conditioning file to take you deeper into the automatic obedience I want from you. Asks you to open and close your eyes, and eventually allows you to open and close things inside your mind instead. Builds more desire for submission. Potential for amnesia. Wake up at end.




I continue my journey through your files. I just noticed that I skipped a file. I slowly have the feeling that I will lose myself more and more in your voice over the next few days. I want more I want more orders from you. Thank you !

Ian Power

I remember that I long for your instructions, but I'm pretty sure that was there before, as was... Good feelings about obeying. Brain is foggy as I reach for details. Thank you


Sometimes simplest is best. So much pleasure in simply obeying You, so beautiful of You to show us. Another file of Yours i had not heard before, and just what i needed at this moment, perfect instruction. You are the answer to all my desires. Thank You my Goddess.


Still glowing, it feels so incredibly good. Please, i beg You, for More of Your instruction so i may obey You Deeper, Further, Better.