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Did you know that everything you interpret as conscious thought happens on outer 1-5mm millimetres of your brain?

What would it be like, then, to witness your brain on a scanner, taking the way my words vibrate on your ear drums, becoming something you can interpret, then going deeper into your mind, into the places that conscious thought can't reach... The places that I control.

CN: A very body-based trance. Wake up at the end. Themes of obedience. Potential for amnesia of the details of the trance.



Ian Power

Wonderful, I'm going further and further back, craving more training, and loving the fact that I struggle to recall details of this one ❤️

Alex E.

Really enjoyed this one. not only did it speak to my inner-most mind but also my soul. It made me feel calm and comforted, a feeling I haven't fully felt in years.