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as i sincerely know majority of you don't like all the art i do just from specific shows and i don't offer nothing really significant to support me with, I'm considering to close this patreon

i don't feel like taking your money as i barely draw and also don't art what you like

still the next month bill is paused (you won't be charged), so for now i will continue posting the few i do here, while i decide what will do or can offer with this patreon

also sorry for the lack of art lately, I'm passing through some personal issues (not motivational related) and is harder to art than usual


Dart Feld

People don't like your pics? Your glenda and professor guy art is top notch and your non-lewd ff bunny girls art is gorgeous


Oh no, i love your content! Please don't go!


I very much enjoy your content! No matter where it's from. Please continue to post. You have a very wonderful style and we very much like supporting you!


No need to close Patreon. People who find your work beautiful will stick with you. If you're having issue you could always take a break but I don't think you need to leave Patreon.


dude your art is great, i like everything you draw


Please do take a break as long as you need it but i really do love your art and would continue to support you. I think you post quite a lot more than a few other pages I support so don't worry about not being "worthy" of the money people spent supporting you.


All good dude, i personally love you're art! But i hope that you're able to find something that you're happy with too!