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*based on my own experience*

someone asked me how do i do when the vanishing points are too far away from the actual illustration, i do this traditionally and digitally as well, tho digitally is easier

what i do is a doodle with the composition i want and extend the vanishing points as far as needed with digital is super easy, then i trace the main stuff roughly and once i have it as i want i increase it to the final format i want and work over that doodle 

with traditional is similar but you will have to do a small doodle on a sheet of paper with a ruler, then once you have you will only resize it to the final sheet of paper by eye (that's why is slightly harder, but not much as you already have something to guide on)

this is when you start working with perspective, but with time your eye will get used to it and you will do it automatically without doing all this, but is good to do it this way in the beginning

sorry for my ugly doodles :P

if you have any other question ask me i will try to explain the best i can, but remember that I'm bad for it



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