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*based on my own experience*

when you are aiming to do a piece where you want the background to be featured to give an atmosphere, be sure to be careful on how much degree of detail you add because lot of detail is not always good, for example

if you are doing an illustration with background but your main subject character (s), is taking 50% or more of the piece, you can take the freedom to do a detailed background with some far away object not too detailed

if you are just drawing a full frame scenery without characters you can go 100% detailed for close objects and significant detail for far objects

but if your main characters or focal point is taking less than 50 % of the illustration, you totally should not go crazy with background detail unless your character is surrounded by not detailed stuff, if you go crazy with detail on this circumstances the character focal point will be lost and will confuse the eye where to look at

so be careful how too detailed you do the background when you are working with characters on them, a few lines and do not saturate the colors around the focal point

- btw sorry for the lack of art lately -_-u -



Thank you! This advice makes so much sense. I'm trying to gear into doing backgrounds in perspective, and this advice helps lots. Thank you! Always great to hear from you