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i won't charge any this month and will continue posting wips and art, and by the next probably i won't charge too, and by January will stop using patreon, no need to remove your pledge so you can still see the few i post, but if you feel comfortable is cool



I'm saddened by this news, but i understand and support whatever decisions you make. I love your art, it brings light. Also be safe


Good luck with everything you start to do next so if you are on Twitter I'd be happy to follow you there.


Your art is so good I feel like I should be paying more. I don't know why you want to leave Patreon but I respect your decision; you must have your reasons. I hope we could still view your art on Twitter. I hope to be one day be as good as you.


hey thanks!, mmm because i don't have too much time to art sometimes i'm really tired after work and don't draw and if i'm not going to be able to give constant art for support is like taking your money without giving nothing is not good and is a cycle, i can't go full time with art because is not supported but people won't support if i don't deliver constant content... so is a cycle and a risk to leave my job to go fulltime with art, so maybe just from time to time, i still have the hope to do it my main business tho, hahaha


If that's the case maybe just leave your Patreon open as a tip jar. Some artists charge more than $10 per month for monochrome works on Patreon and they don't have the same amount of detail you put in your work. No fan of yours would complain for irregular posts because the quality of your work is high and the subscription fee is so cheap it's almost free. If we commission other artists to do a piece similar to yours we would have been charge hundreds of dollars for colored works. Maybe post only when you have free time. Your works can remain monochrome for the time being so you could save time. You already have a following on Patreon. It would be a waste to let it go in my opinion. If you are not sure about what the other fans think you could always make a poll so you could weigh your decision. You're a great talented artist.


I hope you don't leave and your Patreon page stays open. I do continue want to support you!