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here this one finished, i tried again this style, failed again hahahaha, but hey practice makes perfect

usually persona 5 art is pretty messy with lines, but the royal version has a set of colored illustrations that have more controlled lines on the characters, so that's the one i was aiming here, still didn't achieve it, i still have another persona 5 planned and i will try another style from the persona 5, the one that is brushed and not cell shaded

hope you liked it

update: balls where too oversized and didn't match with the vanilla atmosphere, so i had to reduce them

update: ok honestly did a bunch of revisions, so i think this the best i can get it hahahaha, i must say that's the hardest mouth I've drawn in my life and still couldn't get it right hahaha, the fixed is the first one on the post




This is beautiful, great work!