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Thank you so much for your questions! ♡



I'm gonna echo what Daymond said above me here and add a bit of insight of my own. I've been playing D&D ever since I've been in highschool, which has almost been sixteen years now. One of the most important things I learned when it comes to playing a character and interacting with other's characters in a roleplay format is that "In Character does not equal Out of Character". By this I mean that whoever the character is that someone is playing, is not often who they are as a person outside of that role that they're acting out at the time. That's how I approach your audios when I listen to them. I immerse myself in the mindset of whoever the listener is, mentally reacting to the lines and the roleplay as it goes on. It's how I interact with a book, too. I "get into" the story and let it take me on a ride to get away from life for a time. That's just it though, it's a role to play. And that role is not indicative of who the actor is. But that's just my two cents on the matter.


Im late to the party and just listened to this. Been so swamped with IRL shenanigans, I havent had too much time to be on Patreon. But I wanted to answer the part about how we view your audios vs your rambles/q&as/you being you. The super short version, I have always been able to separate you from your audios. And yes I'm subbed for the entertainment. But also to show support to you as a person! The long version. When I first found the asmr rp community. I was in a pretty dark spot in my life, and when listening. I felt I could pause life, and immerse myself in the situations/stories and pretend for a bit, that my life was in those spots and was better. But when I was done listening, I was able to cut back to reality. Eventually I was getting out of my deep rut, but was still able to immerse myself, but used it as a "fake it till I make it" to help me out of my social anxiety and not wanting to meet new people. And not wanting to meet new people meant not going out with existing friends because they had other people I didnt know going too. Specifically with your content after I heard you were engaged I did feel a little weird about listening. Not because of a parasocial reason or anything like that. But it felt weird listening to these stories, being immersed in these situations, but knowing you are with someone, I almost felt like you were cheating on them and I was the side piece. That has happened to me once IRL and even though I didn't know, I felt horrible (obviously broke it off with her as soon as I found out and that it was real). So I felt weird with that situation coming around again. But then after some thought, I realized, obviously he knows you're doing this content and making this your job. So he's gotta be okay with it and it's acting and entertainment at the end of the day. So if all parties involved in it are okay with it. I shouldn't feel weird or like I'm crossing a line. Then a few months later for all audios. I can envision myself in the stories like I can in a movie/TV show. I dont use them as a "fake it till I make it" or "I need to shut the world out". Now they are fun moments of entertainment that I listen to, just like I would a TV show. But I still keep you (or any creator) as a separate person from who you portray in your audios.