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I hope you had a wonderful November! ^-^ ♡



Let's go!! VTber debut in January! I hope all your commissions will be settled quickly if they aren't yet


Also I'm glad you're feeling better and that you're back to being able to write your own scripts! With the booth funded, future is bright for the audios


Giving you the tightest 20 second hug 🥺 (please do that on my behalf if you read this) thank you for always wanting and trying to give your best even on days that have been heavier. Baby steps for anything and everything yeah ? Things may not turn out to be perfect or up to our own expectations sometimes but our efforts are still significant and worth celebrating 💛~ I’m glad you made the decision to space out the debut stuff as it does sound like it would’ve been really overwhelming and stressful for you. Seeing you grow to prioritise self-care in this aspect makes my heart feel really warm! 🥰🥰 I’m really happy and excited for what’s in store for you! You’re auUuuUghsome even if you may not believe or feel so about yourself and I’m sure the community will be here to constantly remind you during times when it’s hard for you to remember. Hope to hear from you on a confirmed delivery/installation date for your booth soon! :P Thank you for everything, Peaches. Really, you have no idea the kind of impact you have on people and how grateful we are that you chose to do what you do now 💛 keep trying new stuff, keep growing and keep slaying Queen!


1) I'm so happy for you that you got your booth funded! Congrats!!! 2) in regards to your vtuber URL, I was just watching a reaction video from Lily and saw "peachesvtuber subscribed for 'x' months". And I was like "is that THE Peaches?!? And from the sounds of it, it was you! Such timing too lol. 3) Glad you're getting back into scripting and you're getting the spark back and feeling better mentally! 4) Sound quality with your current setup has been pretty good. Not sure if you're editing it all out. But I haven't noticed anything that has dampened the quality. For sure be excited about the booth, but don't stress out too much about your current setup. Sounds great from my end and you're killing it! Keep your head up and get some rest and relaxation during the holidays!


Booth Fund Speed run was a big W. Glad that you are in a better mental space. It's really hard to get out of them when it happens but you kept the fight and got through it and that's something to be proud of. You know that we are all here to back you up when the going gets rough and l, for one am excited to see what you have in store.