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Hey! ^-^

A couple of people expressed interest in seeing more photos from the Scotland trip so here are a few! We went to Scotland for 5 days & it was so beautiful. The sunrises, sunsets & stars were my absolute favourite parts of the trip, I've never seen anything like it in my life.

We travelled along Loch Ness, got to explore Urquhart Castle, took a trip to Ullapool which is right at the top of the UK pretty much & just enjoyed being in nature. It's the first proper holiday we've had in years & it was so needed. I feel so refreshed. ^-^

One of my favourite parts about creating audios is I feel like I can take you along on these trips with me. You can bet there will be a Scotland Adventure sometime in the future, I'm so inspired to write something like that for you. :3

I hope you've all had a wonderful start to the week! Sending all the positive vibes & hugs I possibly can! ♡




Oh wow! These look amazing. 😍 I’m so happy you got to have a break, you 10000% deserve it. 💕 Scotland is top of my list of dream places to visit, it’s almost surreal to me.

Wolf Z Row

Always wanted to ho to Scotland, hope you had a great time


Great photos! Looks like a great time, I'm glad you got time to wind down you deserve it 😁

Smee Arby

Scotland really is something special


Looks beautiful! Happy to hear you’re having a nice time!

Lord Ugin

So glad you could relax and have fun! Looking forward to a refreshed Peaches!