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Hey everyone,

First of all I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who reached out to me over the last few days - I haven't managed to get back to everyone but please know I am so grateful. As some of you may know (if you saw my post in the Discord server) we've been dealing with a tough situation at home. My sister broke up with her boyfriend and it's resulted in some death threats from his family towards us as well as general harassment. For those of you who don't know, I am the legal guardian of my sister so it has directly affected our homelife. We are all safe & well after police involvement and I am hoping things will settle down now. I'm sorry for not keeping to the content schedule this last week but I will do my best to catch up as soon as possible.

This brings me to my second point. In my monthly ramble last week, I expressed how difficult it is to record at the moment as there are a lot of unpredictable & uncontrollable environmental noises happening all the while which leaves me very little room to record. I have been thinking about getting a real vocal booth since it became my full time work and with how frustrated I've felt recently I decided to book an appointment to see a showroom for these vocal booths just to see if it would be worth it. Since being in the house has been scary the last few days, we all went out for a day to visit the showroom. When I tell you it is a game changer being inside one of those rooms ;-; I could hear no external noise and my voice did not echo in the slightest. It's incredible. It's the perfect recording environment and it's something I am definitely going to be working towards over the next year. Having a good recording environment will open so many doors for me like being able to take on audio commissions, maybe applying to read audio books, apply to voice characters etc. I am super excited for what this could mean.

Since posting my ramble I have had several messages & people reach out to me. 🥺 I am so stuck for words. I feel so overwhelmed that there are people who want to support me in getting this booth. I've always found it hard to accept help, especially financial help, because I've always found a way to get by on my own. I have been blessed with this content creation journey, I have met people who are kind beyond words & never fail to tell me that I am worth the help I am offered. I am so truly grateful for everything and I promise there isn't a single bit of kindness I have ever or will ever forget.

I am not asking for help because I know that if I keep working hard I will be able to afford this booth in the next year or so. You all already do enough for me and support me so generously. What I have done, for those who have expressed they would like to help, is set up a little progress bar on my website. Each month I'll be depositing what I can into that savings pot so we can see the progress together. There is a way for people to contribute if they would like to but it really isn't necessary. I am going to get this booth and bring you the highest quality content I've ever given you, that's a promise & it's my goal for 2023. The total will be updated manually as I save away, or if there are contributions, and I might even set a goal date to keep me accountable.

You can read more about my goal & see my progress here!

Sorry for the wall of text. This is something I am really excited about and I wanted to address it properly. I hope you're as excited as I am. I think 2023 will be my best year creating content yet. Biggest hugs, thank you for everything.


Riptide Kuroki

Glad to hear you’re all safe and sound Peaches. You and your families safety is a number 1 priority so no need to apologise! I’m sorry to hear you and your family had to go through something like that. Would love to contribute to this sound booth for you. Sending love from Australia ♥️ make sure to take breaks if you ever need it x


I’m so sorry you all had to go through that! That sounds terrifying, glad to hear things are calmer now. Let us know if we can help in any further way to your goal, if this means a happier you, and more of your light in the world, then we can all benefit from it. Sending your family all the love possible. 💕


What the fuck? Forget the stupid schedule, and look after yourselves!


Hi Peaches, I hope that everything is settled down and that you won't face anymore harassment. I'm glad that you accepted that people contribute for the booth. Obviously it is frustrating for you right now and us helping you also means that you'll get the booth sooner and thus we'll have more and even better audios quicker! This booth is for the entire community! I hope that El, your sister and yourself find some rest and please do not worry about a calendar or anything. IRL first, especially for this kind of stuff. Sending love to the family 💖


Oh my goodness, that is horribly terrifying that you and your family have had to go through this. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family in this time. We will always be here for you ❤

Wolf Z Row

I hope you and your sister stay safe, that sounds like a really horrible situation. I'd love to help you with your recording booth anyway I can but for right now just focus on yourself and your sister. I hope this problem gets resolved quickly for you.


For ease of ref for those who would like to contribute to the dream booth fund, here’s the link: https://ko-fi.com/dreamsofpeaches [update dd 23 November 2022] the booth is now 100% funded, thanks to everyone who contributed!!