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POV: You have been in a coma for almost a year. Your girlfriend has visited you every day she can at the hospital & today is her birthday..

~ This audio has a happy ending!

This audio was produced for one of July's personalised audio competition winners! They have their personalised version & here is a F4A version for you all to enjoy.

This audio, as you will probably hear, was really difficult for me to record. This was my third attempt at recording but I wanted to push through & keep my promise to the winner. Due to personal, similar experiences with this kind of scenario it was hard for me record without getting genuinely very emotional. I'm sorry that I sound so sniffly & gross, there just wasn't a way around it. I tried to make everything work as best I can but just be warned that there are a lot of tears in this audio.

~Script & audio by Dreams of Peaches - special thanks to Sam for their input for their script~ 



What a coincidence, today is my birthday too! Thank you for putting so much of yourself in your work. It’s what makes you a phenomenal talent. 💕

The Lovely Eve

I'm already tearing up just thinking about it. Think I'll wait till I get home to listen and have a good cry.


You know what they say, third times the charm. You did very good on this audio! Though... I might have no soul since I didn't tear up once. Sorry guys, I might be a demon or something.


I’ve been listening to your audios for about a year and a half now, and you’ve made some amazing audios, but this one takes the cake. Absolutely spectacular work. I was hugging the crap out of my pillow, and I was trying so hard not to cry. This might be the greatest thing my ears have ever heard. Hats off to you for this masterpiece! You are the GOAT!


At least you came close. Me on the other hand was no where near close. As a matter of fact I haven't had a proper cry in years. For some strange reason, crying hurts my eyes to the point I've lost the ability to cry.


wow. what a performance! it felt so real, so raw, so genuine. is it possible for something to be heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time? because that’s the best way i can describe this audio. incredible work, huge props to you for making it through it, i don’t think i ever could


Giving you the tightest 10 minute (virtual) hug. I could tell how personal this audio was for you, Peaches and it must have been so painful for you to relive your personal experience through this. Method acting can be very very overwhelming especially with tapping into such painful personal experiences, so I hope that you’ll give yourself some time to wind down from this script emotionally and psychologically. I can tell that you’ve been through a lot, and I wanted to say thank you for being here today and for choosing to bring healing to others with these experiences. You’re a precious gem with a beautiful heart who deserves all the love and support, Peaches. Sometimes, it might be hard for us to truly believe that we’re deserving of love and support, but I hope you’ll continue to meet more people who help you to recognise this in time to come 💛💛


Love u peaches I’m so sorry u had to suffer through something like that we love u sending big hug

Kizuhara Kyouya

I have been a huuuuge fan of your beloved audios but this one hits home hard. Won’t go too too much into it, but listening to something I’ve had a similar experience to really got the waterworks flowing. You pour your heart out into every audio you create, but this one I personally hold dear and close to my heart✨❤️Thank you for all your hard work! All the head pats and hugs for you. You truly deserve it ✨

Daymond B

I don't know what to say or where to begin. So much could be said, but simply.. I hope all is well.


Not even sure where to start on this one. The sheer amazement that I'm feeling right now can't really be put into words.. I was shaking I was crying I was just flabbergasted. Thank you.