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Hey loves!

I hope you’re all okay. This week has been pretty crazy for me at work and in my personal life. As I’m trying to get better at resting when I need to, I did take yesterday to reset and let me tell you: I feel AMAZING.

I’ve been up since 6:30 out in the sunshine catching up on things, I’m about to go for a walk and then I’ll be ready to come home and smash out some audio work. That one day has made all the difference. I’ll be recording my monthly ramble soon so I’ll let you know what I got up to on my day off (I got lots of little food things!) as well as everything else.

Feeling as lucky as I always do this morning to have you all here with me. Take care of yourself and try to rest as much as you can. I’ll be back later today with some nice things for you. ^-^

Lots of love,




Well done Peaches , please keep making sure you recover and to not overwork yourself. Think Ovid said it best " Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop " We appreciate all the hard work you put in and how much it helps your listeners Thank you


Yes, high five for resting! Glad you’re feeling better. Totally hyped now about mysterious ‘little food things’! Take care. PS: You may be solar powered. It may take a few more walks to check ;D


So glad to hear! We often forget to take the effort for ourselves. ❤️


It always helps to take a day and spend some time for one's self. Often in today's world many people don't take or are able to have the opportunity to do so, or are on the other extreme and can care less about worrying about others and are wrapped up in themselves. Mine, I just either sit back and watch nature at its best around me, or I go for a drive with no map, and no destination in mind. This weekend has been a very good one for me, and I wish you Peaches 🍑, and all my fellow listeners of yours a pleasant weekend, and for those in the States a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day. I do wish to take the opportunity, if I may, as a USAF veteran that my friend and fellow airman Ryan, and the crew of 63-8877; y'all rest in peace, I miss you, and it was an honor to serve with you. Pleasent Memorial Day.

Leve Jürgensen

Great to hear that you're taking care of yourself