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Hey everyone,

I've had quite a few messages on here so I thought it would be best to address everyone since it might take me some time to respond individually. I do apologise for the lack of YouTube early access/content at the moment and for my slow replies to DMs. Thank you for all of your kindness and concern, it is so appreciated.

Last week I recognised in myself that I wasn't doing too great mentally and needed to take a small step away from being online to combat the burnout I was feeling. During this I've also had a family member be taken into hospital. They're very poorly and it's hit me quite hard, I haven't been coping as well as I hoped I would. As you can imagine this has meant things have had to work a bit slower and there has been a slight lack of content.

I want to assure you all that I will still be uploading to Patreon as normal and hope to have a YouTube early access up on here next week too. There's just been a little blip whilst I adjust to my current situation.

Thank you for supporting me! I'm going to upload a couple of pieces of artwork tonight & I also want to let you know that I'm lucky enough to be working with a new script writer for an audio or two a month from now on! Lots of amazing audios in the works, a few collabs in progress (two HUGE ones with VAs you've been asking me to collab with for a very long time). I can't wait to show you!

Again thank you so much for caring about me. I promise I'll respond to DMs as soon as I can. I don't know what I'd do without this community, I really don't. So don't worry! I'll be okay and I'll be back to kicking ass in no time! :)

Big hugs ♡


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