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If you've ever tried to taste baby food, you know exactly what is happening here.

For those who have never done that, let's just say that "aggressively bland" doesn't quite capture how vile that stuff is.

Poor Carrie is gonna have to get used to it, though. She wanted the WHOLE asylum patient experience after all so that's exactly what she's getting, whether she likes it or not.




"Doesn't taste anything like chicken! YUK!" "There's still an entire jar to go, so open wide" =3


bland ... never heard that word before, neat, now i know a new word! For anyone not knowing it just like me bland = does not taste much/boring. Thx, love your work btw.


If she have known that, Carrie would have for sure not decide for the WHOLE asylum patient experience,-) But now it is to late and what she also for sure not know, is, that the aggressively bland taste of her baby food, damn well can hide the taste of each laxative, what Eliza could bootleg in her food;-) Happy WHOLE asylum patient experience, Carrie! Lets see, how long it will take, till Carrie will has made her WHOLE asylum patient experience,-) But Carrie has chosen, that this decision lies now no more care of her;-)