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Kurin's story has been fluffed up significantly. Things always need a good fluffing up. Fluffiness is life.

It should make (a little bit) more sense and mesh better with the rest of the game's story. I KNOW going over something that had been done is bad and slow things down but I really wasn't satisfied at all with the way I had written this chapter, it was the first I've done and since it was about the character's backstory, it felt clunky to keep Kurin's base that way. T_T

More stuff soon. \o/



Sneaky V

Fluff is good. Hair fluff, kitty fluff, puppy fluff, all fluff is fluffy. Especially diaper fluff. Don't forget red-panda fluff


Honestly I’m okay going through things again. I loved the redone story so far. The general bit was the same but the few more abdlish dialogue and observation dialogue was really cute.


im getting more and more excited for the update ^.^! Not just for the fact of updating, but the fact we'll be moving past the point we last left off which has me really excited! Love to see where your game goes from this point ^^!!! (sorry if it sounds like pointless ramble or whatever, just love how this is the only - not counting that date thing on Deviantart since it technically houses several fetishes - diaper/abdl visual novel to date)


I can't await, the total fluffiness=)


Number 10 looks like you summoning a Stand from Jojo xD