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Hi folks!

After lots of trial and error, our Shopify merch store is finally LIVE!

It's very much early days, and once it's approved for YouTube/Instagram integration we'll be looking at adding more items, so please feel free to suggest what else you'd like us to add!

In the meantime, have a browse, and see you tomorrow for the Livestreamed-from-stage show!




Shoot From The Hip - Merch Store!

Shoot From The Hip - Merch Store



So I was thinking about other items you can add and came up with this! 🤔 If it's possible to add some of the popular one liners like "Vessel of the Lord", "Scottish Batman" and others (Maybe put some lines up for a vote) to the same merch, it would be fantastic!

Sandra Tindjau

I've been meaning to ask! When will the merch be back on?