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Thank you all for your support while we were at the Edinburgh Fringe - and to new Patreons who first saw us there, welcome!

Looking forward, we're happy to announce our next two shows for you:

Our next Livestream-from-home will be all about the costumes and the props, and will be at 7pm BST on Saturday 16 September, following the Patreon-exclusive Q&A at 18.30 BST. Tickets are free to Patrons, using code TheWompasAreComing, and you can book them in now, right here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/shoot-from-the-hips-livestream-for-september-costumes-props-mistakes-tickets-712419464797?aff=oddtdtcreator

And secondly, our next Live @ Bill Murray stream will be on October 1st, at 18.00 BST - we'll send a link on the day.

If you can't make either one, they'll both of course be available to stream afterwards. Any questions, let us know, but until then, we love you, you're grand, hurrah x




Jessica Lee

Sad I can’t be there for the livestream on the 16th as I’ll be at work 😭😭 but I can’t wait to watch it afterwards 😍


I hope “Nipples in the Wind” will be out. I couldn’t breath for the whole duration of the show 🤣🤣