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December is finally here...one of my favorite times of year due to the holidays. Fuckin Christmas, ARE YOU FUCKIN SHITTIN ME!? Egg-nog, the lights, cozy fuckin fires, reindeer asses. Oh buttfuck yeah, that's what I'm TALKING about, let's fuckin GO!! 

CHRISTMAS EVE IS CUMMIN SOON, HOLY FUCKIN SHIIIIIIIIT!! I just love Christmas. Everyday is Christmas for me though. I try to give and be forgiving and cheerful, while not being a doormat or taken advantage of. I try to treat others how I wanna be treated, which is to be treated fairly. But let's be honest... if you're a weirdo and scummy in all the bad ways then I want nothin to do with ya. 

I wish I can do more for all my supporters, but as little as I have and how simply and humbly living I try to do I haven't much of anything to give to everyone. All I have is my art and again I'm glad that you all are here with me in this realm, and that my works can make you feel something to some degree. I'm not trying to fish for anything here, but I know more times than none folks don't give a damn about me personally and just care about the works I produce, and that is okay with me. I don't do these things for attention; I do these things because I love doing them. If I get followers and support from likeminded and openminded folks along the way well that's a very nice bonus. 

Never give up hope for a better future, because we have zero control of such things. Just go with the flow and try to get some discernment in life choices. Things go up and down in life and that's just how it is. Good things happen to bad folks and bad things happen to good folks, but all that is irrelevant because it's the end that really matters of who'll get sorted out. It's how you deal with things is what really matters, and those who stick with you through the worst of times are your real allies; not the ones that bail on you in your time of need or make every excuse not to help you when you've done everything in your power to help them when they needed it. Take it from me, get those losers out of your life and hang out around folks that are smart and don't screw folks over to get ahead in life. It's what YOU really want for yourself though, and only YOU can be better if YOU choose to be. Don't believe that anyone is tryin to keep you down. Just look at me...I've had everything thrown at me and lost 99% of everything I've had on multiple occasions, but I'm still makin it. Now I live comfortably and I'm not building a whole lot of material things, because the less I have the less I have to lose, and everything I own can fit in my Blazer. Hell if it got bad enough I can make it work with a duffle bag and a backpack. Point is there's more to livin than money and material things. I'm just thankful for what I have and all of you who give a damn and I don't take things for granted anymore, because what we love and enjoy can be stripped away in an instant. Like instant noodles, just less filling. 

Be well, take care and be safe out there. There's A LOT of emboldened lunatics out in the open now that just would love everything to burn down. Stay...safe!

Danger, out.



*hugs you*

Justin Wolfheart

We here support you Danger *hug* Be safe and take care Love you


Happy holidays dawg! Hope you get some good food ^.^ we made a ham for Thanksgiving and then ate it for a week, was awesome. Probably do it again for Crimbus.


Have that good Christmas!


I had McDonald's, but it's better than nothing. Ham usually doesn't last a couple days when I'm around :D