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 If you want Hentai images Explicit Sexual Content + R18 or Hentai videos of sexual content with available models, check the rewards  ♥     




William Huang

Hi, i just became patron and i don't quite get how the rewards work. Is this video only for $30 donation? or is there different version for different donation amount?


Hello, There are 3 types of videos with the same scene, the videos of normal sexy dances, videos of the same dances but in version +18 with different camera clips and naked models, and lastly the Hentai video, which all the that come out are available for $ 30 patrons. And 2 per month at $ 10 in one poll, plus the other rewards in the same reward. (``^u^)/

William Huang

Ok, thank you. Just to confirm, if i pledge for $30 i can see the previous $30 rewards, or just the videos made from now on?