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First Dance Scene ready ♥

I would like to know your recommendations or points of view to improve little by little  ヽ( ̄ω ̄(。。 )ゝ 

Game Input:

  • Movement - "A - S - D -W"
  • Switch to fixed stage camera -  "1 - 2 - 3 - 4 "
  • Return to rotating camera -  "Esc"  
  • Help - "F1"

 Download: You can choose this and 2 more games to request your reward of themonth  

Next Update for the 17$ and 30$ pledge:

  • Free Camera multiangles
  • Participation of Kanna chan (Sleep Mode)
  • Screenshot
  • Mode: Night / Day
  • Video Play
  • Locua Nude

 Next Update for the 50$ pledge: 

  • Hentai Scene
  • Dildo play
  • Interaction with Kanna chan
  • Locua Sexual files on the computer




I want this