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The first part of something silly. More to come soon :-)

Below is a snippet of part one, but you can read the full thing here. Find the password here.

A nightstand sits next to a tidily made bed in a cozy-looking bedroom.
The drawer is ajar, and a strand of lights taped around its interior illuminates a narrow glimpse of what’s inside. A colorful array of overlapping stickers and polaroids, each affixed at odd angles to the drawer’s back and sides, frame the untidy mess of objects in-between. Scraps of tissue paper, several candy wrappers, and tiny strips of cloth in varying patterns and shades of red are all littered carelessly about. One half of a small, unmade bed can be seen with its bedding carelessly wadded up to one side. The general uncleanliness is like that of a teenager’s room, and it stands in stark contrast to the clutter-free surroundings of the much larger, much cleaner bedroom. A knotted string, anchored to a nail on top of the nightstand, runs over the side and into the open drawer.
“Oh hey, it’s you! One sec!”
The squeaky words are accompanied by the sounds of scampering movement. Several tiny pieces of fabric fly above the opening, float in mid-air, and then flutter back down inside.
“Now where the hell did I put—ah ha! Here it is!”
Moments later Aaron is deftly climbing up the knotted string and onto the top of the nightstand. The bare cheeks of his ass dimple and flex as he demonstrates his athletic mastery of the environment, mounting the surface by twisting his lower body up and over the edge like a seasoned aerialist, leveraging only his firm grip on the string.
He’s wearing nothing but his red collar and a lengthy strip of matching fabric that’s wrapped around his neck like a big scarf. It hangs down past his knees, and as he turns he holds part of it over his crotch in a demonstration of modesty.
“Well hi everyone! It’s me, Aaron Watson, beloved star and hero of pulp erotica and overly written melodrama, here to share with you how to wear my favorite outfit, the fundoshi! It’s easy to tie, fun to wear, and perfect for—well, perfect for my lifestyle at least.”

Read the ongoing story with its artwork here.



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