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So here's a fun, behind-the-scenes fact: A Scene on a Bus started from the simple idea of "a tiny man being played with, in secret, in a public setting." I drew the artwork and then AlienEtiquette built the story around it.

For the sequel we're trying more of a "story first" collaboration. This sketch is from the beginning paragraphs of the story:

Delicate. Non-delicate. Another non-delicate.
Craig stood before the mound of dirty clothes that had been dumped onto the bed. He picked up one article at a time, identifying whether or not it was something that Milo wanted hand-washed, and tossed it into either the basket behind him or a smaller pile of mostly jockstraps, mesh cutoffs, and other fetish gear not meant for a washing machine. The mound of dirties represented over a week’s worth of Milo’s many sweaty extracurricular activities (some of which Craig had attended in secret, hidden somewhere on Milo’s person), and this would be the fourth time that Craig had been tasked with doing the laundry.
Which is to say: this was the fourth time that the laundry needed doing.
He knew this meant that he’d been in Milo’s clutches for at least a month, maybe bordering on two, but the passage of time was getting harder for him to track. He knew morning from night, and could discern yesterday from the day before, but trying to think in terms much bigger than that felt like doing taxes without a calculator. Counting loads of laundry was easier, at least for now, while the number remained in the single digits. He knew it ought to be a simple thing, keeping track of time, but his aptitude for focus and numbers just wasn’t what it used to be, not with ever-present distractions of the magic collar that was still strapped snugly around his neck.

Looking forward to sharing the finished product :-)




Oh my. Terrific beginning.