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Aaron needs some sunblock. Description from AlienEtiquette:


In their previous lives together Miles would often battle with Aaron over the use of high-SPF sunblock. As a ginger and one who easily burned, Miles saw it as both a necessity and a no-brainer. "Don’t say I didn’t warn you when you’re fifty and getting a biopsy on a suspicious mole," he’d taunt from the underneath the protection of shade. For Aaron, anything higher than SPF 15 was an affront to his sensibilities and counter to his priorities of maintaining a tan, and he figured that his older self wouldn’t have any regrets. As a rule he avoided any product that was squeezed from a tube in the form of a cream, instead preferring tanning oils smelling of coconut that were spritzed out of brown, Hawaiian-themed bottles.

Of course that was then and this is now, and now Miles got to enjoy being the decision-maker on this difference of opinion along with many others. It had occurred to him that, for all he knew, Aaron’s shrunken state might have left him even more sensitive to UV, and so Miles wouldn’t be taking any chances. Applying a generous dollop of the brand that offered the most protection and was highest-rated on Consumer Reports (to which Miles owned a lifetime subscription), Miles covered Aaron from head to toe and left no surface or crevice unexplored as he gently rubbed it in, eventually handing him off to Calvin to finish the job.

It wasn’t all bad for Aaron. He knew it was pointless to fight either of the two men on these matters, and so instead he focused on ways to enjoy himself. While he might not be getting much of a tan he would still be enjoying a full-body massage from the fingers whose attention he so often craved.


The "Beach Day" series will continue! ❤️ 🍌




oh im super excited to see what else happens at the beach