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It’s the end of the month, and we wanted to give an update on what we’re working on.

Online Multiplayer & Quest support

Native online networking support is our #1 priority right now.

What would it mean for the game? Native online networking will allow us to do away with our simulated online networking solutions like Parsec and will open up a world of possibilities for the design of the game.

New possibilities would include:

  • Online matchmaking and rankings
  • More than 4 warriors in a match (!)
  • Multiple giants (!!)
  • And last but not least, Quest support (!!!)

However, implementing online networking, especially mid-development, is incredibly difficult and time consuming.

The good news is that we are nearing the end of developing a proof-of-concept for it, and will start creating a prototype version of Davigo using the proof-of-concept as a base soon. We have tested it with the Oculus Quest and the results are looking promising.

We are cautiously optimistic 🤞

Gameplay Improvements

Our other priorities include general improvements to the overall design of the game, especially multi-warrior matches.

As you may know, the current version of the game was designed around 1 giant versus 1 warrior gameplay. We added multi-warrior with little design ideation outside of allowing players to adjust the rules to try to balance the two sides. This has led to gameplay that we find to be way too overwhelming and chaotic for the giant.

Needless to say, we intend to explore more interesting and bigger ideas soon, such as how the warriors could cooperate to take down the giant.

Alpha 2 Launch Thoughts

This release marked another milestone in our development -- it was the first non-prototype release since the Public Alpha and included some of the features and ideas we had been prototyping throughout 2020.

We created a social media marketing push centered around our new trailer. Our primary goal was to bring more people into the Patreon community to support development on the game.

We were very happy with the results, and were incredibly happy to see Davigo featured by YouTubers and Press. Here’s a few new articles:

Always fun to watch others play, here’s a few awesome YouTube videos that came out recently:

Big thanks to our new and old patrons! Thanks everyone for being supportive of development. Stay tuned for more updates!

- Davidevs



Can’t wait for native online and Quest support! Good luck!

Pontus Dåderman



oh yea mr krabs