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Hi patrons! 

It's been a few weeks since our last prototype update, so this one is packed! Let us know what you think of these updates. We love hearing from you all!

New  Map

We're working to bring together our prototype maps into a single level. The goals with this new map are:

  • Make sure the giant can always attack the warrior (no warrior camping)
  • Add some verticality like in Acrophobia and some covered areas like in Overture Overpass
  • Keep the action close the the giant
  • Provide areas for the warrior to fly through using the rocket ride
  • Add variety to the level structure
  • Ensure it's playable in small playspaces

It's currently called Map_Greyblock. We'll think of a proper name soon!

Health-accurate Giant Head Shattering

As the Giant takes damage, their face will break off in three distinct chunks, one at a time. Once all three pieces are broken off, the next impact is guaranteed to kill the Giant. No more health UI.

Having the head's damage subdivided like this makes it easy for the VR player to check their reflection and quickly determine their approximate health, as seen below. This reflection was also improved to more accurately reflect the world around you. 

Dodge Roll

Evade the Giant's throws and grabs with a nimble dodge roll!

Improved Jump Animation

The Warrior now has an improved jump animation that behaves dynamically as they leap upwards and fall downwards. Definitely an improvement over the previous static pose!

Rocket Ride Damage Boost

When the warrior flies directly into the giant's head, the giant now takes 3 damage (regular rocket attacks currently deal 1 damage). Use this power wisely!

Warrior Shield Pickups and Damage

The warrior's shield is now destructible. Currently, it takes 5 impacts from the giant to destroy the shield.

The warrior also has a way to collect a new shield by damaging the giant. Here's how: When the giant is hit in the head or hands, their shards will contain objects that can be used as shields. Right now, we're using the generic shield geometry, but you could think of these pickups as pieces of the giant's shield or giant's head that the warrior is now using as a shield themselves.


The default game options have been changed to use giant health. Other smaller improvements are listed in the changelog below!

Have fun!

-Davigo Dev Squad

Prototype Update 0.0.19P

  • New map: Map_Greyblock. This map is a simple, refined battlefield designed for fast paced action. 
  • New feature: Health accurate Giant head shattering. The Giant's will now break off in three distinct chunks, making it easy for the VR player to accurately tell their remaining health. After all chunks are blown off, the final hit will always result in a kill. 
  • Warrior can now perform a dodge roll when pressing the West button on a gamepad or Left Shift on the keyboard. 
  • Warrior's shield will now break after a certain amount of hits. 
  • When the Giant takes damage or has their hand destroyed, the resulting explosion will send out metal chunks the Warrior can pick up to use as a shield (if their current shield is damaged or broken). 
  • Shields on the back of the Giant's hand now have more dynamic reflections. 
  • When large physics objects (like the rocks, trees) are between the camera and the Warrior, they will now be rendered semi-transparent. 
  • Default game presets have been changed to use Giant health. 
  • Turn sensitivity has been increased when using the gamepad on the rocket ride. 
  • Rocket ride now deals three times as much damage as a regular rocket when it is directly crashed into the Giant. 
  • New, more dynamic jump animation for the Warrior. 
  • Warrior's feet now use inverse kinematics to correctly place them on sloped surfaces. 
  • Warrior's armour art has been slightly improved.


Davigo ClosedAlphaMapGreyblock

Watch and share Davigo ClosedAlphaMapGreyblock GIFs by playfulbacon on Gfycat



When do i recieve a key?


Prototypes are distributed through the Discord server now: https://www.discord.gg/VTvjpMt Prototype access is for Earthbreaker tier and up.