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We've started posting weekly updates on Patreon to showcase gameplay experiments and briefly discuss our development process.

Last week we showed off Spreading Fire, a system that allows fire particles to ignite flammable objects on contact - a step towards making fire a more consequential gameplay mechanic.

This week we've been exploring rocket types!

In this experiment, the warrior can cycle between three rocket types, each with different behaviours. We modelled these initial types off of the shell types in the Mario Kart series.

Green rockets behave identically to the standard rockets you're familiar with. When launched, they fly forwards as gravity slowly pulls them downward.

Red rockets will seek towards a set target. While aiming a rocket, the warrior can target the giant's hands or head by touching them with the reticle. 

Blue rockets will seek towards the giant's head regardless of the initial launch position or direction.

We're hoping rocket types will add variety to the gameplay and open up new offensive strategies for the warrior. 

The next step for this experiment is to figure out how the warrior collects and / or  assigns various rocket types, while keeping the gameplay fair and balanced. If you have any ideas, let us know in the comments!

This experiment will be available in the next prototype build, so we would love to hear your feedback once you get a chance to play it.

'Till next week!

The Davigo Devs



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